I am honored to take this journey with you!
​I knew I always wanted to work with pregnant women. I think I’ve seen all my nieces and nephews being born. I just did not know what avenue I wanted to take. For many years, I settled into jobs that I was not passionate about. Jobs just to get a paycheck. As my two daughters turned into adults and I became a grandmother, all the feelings of working with pregnant women heightened. One day, I prayed about it and just left it up to God to make a way. Literally, within that week, I googled jobs working with pregnant women and the first thing that popped up was “become a doula.” A doula, what is that? The answer to that question is… my heart’s desire! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be following my life’s passion and my purpose.
I am passionate about being a doula and I love helping families become educated, informed and confident! I am “Team-Mom.” I help families understand the importance of their voice and understand their options. I am aware of the challenges families can face transitioning and adjusting to a newborn. Therefore, I offer recommendations, tips and resources to help parents be successful. I love nurturing families and I go above and beyond to surround families with knowledge, support, encouragement and compassion.

Meet your Doulas
My doula services will give you continuous support whether in your home, a birthing center or a hospital setting. Besides being a presence of compassion and non-judgment, I have a whole toolbox of techniques and resources that helps the birthing experience by using massage, positioning, and other comfort measures to help speed along delivery and reduce the need for medical interventions.
Your Total Support Doula,
Trina Maxwell
Founder & CEO

Hi! My name is Shantel!
I am a full spectrum doula trained through Doula Training International and certified through Pro Doula. Prior to becoming a doula, I worked in nonprofit work with children, daycare/camp settings for over 9 years, as well as supporting families as a nanny.
As a postpartum doula, I have experience supporting families with both daytime and overnight care. I enjoy helping with cooking, cleaning, running errands, and breastfeeding support. I love working with children and helping families.
I began my doula journey after learning about birth workers and the crisis amongst pregnant people in hospitals. While studying abroad in England, I learned how common doulas were, specifically in Europe. Upon returning home I began my focus on birth work.
My mission is to help the birthing person feel safe and have full autonomy over their body as they give birth, as well as support pregnant people and parents through their journey welcoming a new baby. I allow families to be heard and will always put the birthing person’s and the baby’s needs first to ensure the birthing and postpartum plans are met.
Aside from working in postpartum and labor. I am educated and certified in spinning babies, placenta encapsulation, childbirth education and lactation counseling.

Our Philosophy
I am passionate about learning my clients & supporting their needs. I have a lot of respect for the birthing process and I’m on your side with the choices you make. I am “Team-Mom.” I take a holistic approach and incorporate the mind and body as a whole. I live by positive affirmations! I desire to make a difference by fulfilling your ideal birthing experience.
Owner's Training
Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration (MHA)
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Certified Doula (CD)
Certified Postpartum Doula (CPD)
Certified Breastfeeding Counselor (CBC)
Certified Childbirth Educator (CBE)
Reflexology Diploma (RD)
Our Goal ​
​My goal is to provide security, support, guidance, education, and encouragement that is personalized towards your family’s needs. My holistic approach incorporates mental, physical, spiritual and the emotional needs of each family's dynamic!
As a Doula, We Do Not
Perform any clinical tasks
Make decisions on your behalf
Speak on your behalf
Force my personal opinions
Making Decisions
​I will educate you and help you get the information you need to make an informed decision. I will also
remind you if there are any changes from your original birth preferences.
Speak to the staff on your behalf
I will discuss your concerns with you and suggest options, alternatives, recommendations, pros and cons, as well as encourage you to voice your opinions, questions and concerns to the staff members.
Project any of our own beliefs onto your experience
​I respect and honor your decisions to the fullest. I am here to support you in the birth you choose, whether it be medicated or not, vaginal, emergency or scheduled cesarean, home or hospital.